






1. What is the first step of the LOTO procedure?

a)      Maintain all associated equipment

b)      Stop associated equipment

c)       Remove all associated equipment

d)      Activate all equipment

b. Stop associated equipment


2. Into a 2 m deep sump pit to tighten a bolt with a hand tool, which work permit do you need?

a)      Hot work, cold work, and release work permit

b)      Confined space work permit and hot work permit

c)       Release and confined space work permit

d)      Confined space work permit and cold work permit

d. Confined space work permit and cold work permit


3. Which is an energy source that would about a toxic gas leak?

a)      Light

b)      Load

c)       Gravity

d)      Hydraulic

a. Light


4. Who decides which type of permit required?

a)      The issuer

b)      Loss prevention

c)       The receiver

d)      Gas tester

c. The receiver


5. How is business to be conducted in Saudi Aramco as per loss prevention policy?

a)      With incidents

b)      Preserving life

c)       Without any incident or accident

d)      Preserving assets

c. Without any incident or accident


6. What is the purpose of a cold work permit?


a)      To control work activities that could cause an explosion

b)      To control activities that could not cause a explosion

c)       To control work activities that could not cause an injury to workers

d)      To control work activities that could cause a fire

b. To control activities that could not cause an explosion


7. Where should you go if you’re warned about the toxic gas leak?

a)      Home

b)      Downwind/ Crosswind

c)       Supervisor office

b. Downwind/ Crosswind


8. Which hazard are you checking when you take a gas test sample of the air you breathe?

a)      Oxygen level

b)      Argon

c)       Nitrogen level

a. Oxygen level


9. When the hazards in a work permit process are identified?

a)      Once a week

b)      After the issue of work permit

c)       Before issue the work permit

c. Before issue the work permit


10. How many safety precautions are entered in the work permits to control the hazards?

a)      Zero

b)      100

c)       Minimum

d)      Maximum

d. Maximum


11. Where should a toxic accumulate in a tank, if gas is lighter than air?

a)      At the top

b)      In the middle

c)       At the bottom

d)      One the side

c. At the bottom


12. Identified the name classified for a gasoline service station?

a)      Hazardous area

b)      Service area

c)       Non-restricted area

d)      Restricted area

a. Hazardous area


13. What is the threshold limit value (TLV) of a gas?

a)      The level at which a gas becomes toxic

b)      The level at which you can safely be exposed day after day

c)       The level at which a worker has great risk

d)      The level at which a gas burn

b. The level at which you can safely be exposed day after day


14. Which is a method of isolating a section of pipeline for LOTO?

a)      Removing a fuse

b)      Closing a circuit breaker

c)       Closing a valves

c. Closing a valves


15. When gas is said to be toxic it means?

a)      It can sink

b)      It can explode

c)       It can burn

d)      It can poison

d. It can poison


16. Who is mainly responsible for identifying hazards and defining precaution on the work permit?

a)      The receiver

b)      Loss prevention

c)       Gas tester

d)      The issuer

d. The issuer


17. Below which LEL level can a hot work permit issued?

a)      25%

b)      50%

c)       100%

d)      0%

d. 0%



18. Which gas is generated during spray painting work or present in engine exhaust fumes?

a)      Calcium oxide

b)      Sulphur dioxide

c)       H2s

d)      Carbon monoxide

D.      Carbon monoxide


19. Who must participate in a site inspection?

a)      The safety coordinator and permit issuer

b)      The work permit issuer and contractor

c)       The operation supervisor and permit receiver

d)      The work permits issuer and receiver

d. The work permits issuer and receiver


20. What should you do if your mentor asked you to enter a vessel that was the emotion?

a)      Ask for a confined space entry permit to be issued before entering the vessel

b)      Wear the proper PPE

c)       Enter if a watchman is present

a. Ask for a confined space entry permit to be issued before entering the vessel


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